Reason of measures
Support Measures
How to apply

Support Measures

Cooperation and partnerships, training measures and youth information are the key terms for the development of activities under Action 5 of the YOUTH program.

In order to have appropriate tools for achieving the above objectives, nine types of activity have been identified, offering opportunities to applicants to develop new YOUTH projects, improve their skills in non-formal education and inform others about the YOUTH program.

  • All Support Measures must be directly linked to the Actions and/or objectives of the YOUTH program.
  • All Support Measures must be non-profit-making.

The nine types of activity eligible for support are as follows:

1. Practical training experience (job shadowing)

This activity allows youth workers to acquire the skills for organizing a transnational project by working in a partner organization for a limited period of time.

2. Feasibility visits

These allow project managers to discuss a project idea before submitting an application under Actions 1 or 2, and, where appropriate, Action 3 (networking projects) and Action 5.

3. Contact-making seminars

These bring together potential partners for YOUTH projects.

4. Study visits

These provide an opportunity to learn about youth work provisions in other countries.

5. Seminars

These are a tool for the exchange of experience and good practice, consultations or policy development etc. with regard to the YOUTH program and youth policy.

6. Training courses

These help those involved in youth work and non-formal education to acquire advanced skills and knowledge for their activities.

7. Youth information

This activity supports the production and dissemination of information and training material relating to the YOUTH program.

8. Transnational partnerships and networks

Their objective is to create new networks under the YOUTH program.

9. Support for quality and innovation

This activity aims at involving young people with less opportunities in the YOUTH program at national, regional and local levels. 

Support Measures Projects

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Home Program Youth N. Agencies FAQ
 Action 5.1 activity 9 “Support for quality and innovation of the Program Youth.”
Project no: 5.1/R1/2003/06 Made by Hienet working Teams in cooperation with T.E.S.